Today is my oldest friends birthday...
So as a tribute... i'm writing this blog about her...
Abby is one of those friends, no matter how often you see her, or what changes in your life.... you remain just as close to her and nothing ever changes...
sometimes it feels like my friendship with her is one of the only constant, unbreakable things in my life...
Abby is amazing, she has had some tough things to deal with in her life, and just taken them on the chin and got on with it
She has got the BIGGEST imagination, always thinking of things to do, and making things happen..
We were always up to mischief when we were younger, and still are now to be honest...
I remember when we were little she was about 3, i was 5 and my sister was 7. It was a week day and abby reeeeeeaaalllly wanted to stay at my house for a sleepover, naturally the mums scuppered our plans of pillow fights and midnight feasts in favour of getting an early night and going to school...
Well, this time we weren't having it... it was the final straw and they had said no too many times...
We hatched a plan to hide abby in the back of the car, in the bit where you put your feet, and she would keep very quiet until we got home...then she would HAVE TO sleep over, because she was already there...
Now, before i continue i have to set the scene a little... this was a day and age where mobile phones weren't common practice, and the crime rate for kidnapping was rather high... ALSO me my mum and sister, weren't actually going home yet, we were going alllllll the way across town to go and see my granny, WHOOPS!
So it got to the time that we all say goodbye, our mums always took about half an hour to do this, because there was always something they hadn't finished talking about, we were running around in the front garden trying to act completely innocent, as if we hadn't hatched any evil plan to steal abby for a sleepover! My mum told us to get in the car, so the door was opened...this was our getaway car, almost like a "mystery machine"... i think i could actually here the Scooby Doo theme tune...
So we got in the car and abby sat my my feet, in the foot bay behind the driver, we had gotten very tactical about this, considering we were 3, 5 and 7...we had the minds of evil supervillans!
We pulled away from abby's house waving good bye to abby's mum (cerys), and started on the way to my granny's, My sister (zoe) occasionally started looking in to the back seat, and giggling a little, nearly blowing our cover...typical sisters hey?
Abby stayed completely silent, not one peep came out of that girls mouth in a 30 minute journey, SHE WAS 3!!!! seriously, i don't know of any 3 year old that can stay quiet for that long, everything is too interesting when your that age... you start going crazy if you see a lady bird, there are trees to climb, jumping to do, and theres nothing like a good game of washing machines and lifts....why be quiet when theres all this fun to be had!!!
But clearly abby knew the drill, she wanted this sleepover more than anything...and if that meant sacrificing a good game of washing machines and lifts, so be it....she was committed!
So, my mum made a pit stop at a co-op near by my gran's house, i'm assuming to pick some food up...but to this day, i believe it was to ruin our plans!
We had to think fast because we all had to get out of the car...Do we do the big reveal now? of do we wait until we get to my grans...
It had to be now, abby had been through enough, all that quietness, the sacrifice of searching for insects and making mud pie, and being cooped up in that tiny little foot troff like some sort of animal!, i wasn't going to let her stay there anymore...
with a knowing look and a nod, i opened the door and got out abby closely following with a BIG smile on her face...her first words "Hi, averil (my mum)", abby and zoe fell about laughing, we'd kept this GIANT secret for half an hour!
My mums face dropped, completely panic stricken, she dashed to the nearest pay phone...Still quite proud of our achievements, and completely unaware of any consequences our scheme may have had, we followed my mum to hear her side of this telephone conversation...
"hi, hi, cerys...are you ok?, no, no she's with me, the girls hid her in the back of the car....What? the police? helicopters? call them now, and tell them i've got her...ok i'm gonna go to my grans and then bring her home"
At this point my mum turned to us, with a look of disappointment only ever used if we had done something REALLY bad... we knew not to that again!!
There were SO many more adventures like this when we were growing up, and they were all full of mischief and fun...
I owe many of my good memories to abby and her family...
Thanks wood!! your the best! happy birthday me old fruit!
...and we (Wood Family) owe so many happy memories to the beautiful Kelly and her family xxx. Keep blogging Kel. You're good. xx